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a picture of cbg oil in a bottle.

We don’t need to dig into the trenches of what’s happening in the world right now amongst the coronavirus pandemic, riots, protests, and general negative news overwhelm. People have a hard time focusing when they aren’t confronted with heavy topics of racism and politics — let alone trying to provide for their families and keep their professional lives afloat on top of that. Zakah Life’s core message revolves around loving all people and believing in unity for all. No matter who you are or where you are in life, know that we stand for you. We stand for all.

While we don’t condone ignoring what’s going on in our country (now and beyond), we do condone healthy ways of coping with the struggles and stresses of daily life.

This brings me to the point of this post — Zakah Life’s newest, cutting-edge product, the CBG-rich full-spectrum hemp oil capsule. The product has just launched as an introductory bottle containing five 35mg of naturally-occurring CBG-rich capsules, created with our unique CBG hemp genetic — packing a record CBG content of 18% prior to diluting our famous oil.

Including only two ingredients, (1) certified organic coconut oil and (2) ZL’s famous hemp oil, the CBG introductory product is full of naturally occurring, plant-based cannabinoids rich in terpenes, flavonoids, and essential fatty acids, with CBG (cannabigerol) as the dominate.

The product assists in providing mental clarity and focus for the user, working to enhance energy levels.

What can you expect when taking a CBG capsule?

Better mood and focus

Improved ability to manage daily stress

Decreased inflammation from exercise

Improved sense of homeostasis and mental clarity

Haven’t heard of CBG yet? Over the next several months, you will see it surfacing on your social media feeds and plastered across advertisements. And hopefully, you will see it in your kitchen cabinet.

Important note: Be leery and stay away from isolated versions of CBG products. Isolated versions have been purged of CBG’s structure, resulting in a “not-so-effective” product.

 So, what is CBG, what makes it so great, and why is it now just being talked about?

Let’s start with CBD. If it’s been a while since the topic surrounding CBD has come up with friends, family, or even in trending news articles, let us refresh your memory. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring compound from the cannabis plant, known to impart feelings of relaxation and calm. Most importantly, regulating the human ECS creates a natural, balanced state in the body.

People take CBD in the form of capsules or oil in the hopes of alleviating feelings of anxiety, lessening inflammation, and managing physical pain — according to many studies and forums across the globe.

CBG, or cannabigerol, is the “mother of all cannabinoids.” Translation? CBG is the precursor to all other cannabinoids — including the widely recognized compounds of THC and CBD. What this means is that without CBG, THC and CBD do not exist.

CBG is “IT,” if I’m quoting Zakah Life Founder and CEO Cole Stegman. “It is what is formed in cannabis first before all other cannabinoids are produced from it. CBG is an energizing compound that creates focus and mental clarity for the user.”

One difference to note is that most users may never feel tired from CBG, whereas that could be the case with CBD in a full-spectrum form. CBG is known to provide mental clarity and focus, paving the way for a pleasantly productive day. And if taken consistently, paving the way for a pleasantly productive life. Many people have reported, “I feel more in control of my thoughts and understand what I need to do to be more productive today.”

“CBD will always be a major healing component to human life, but the reality is it has only scratched the surface of what’s to come from the wonderful cannabis plant and all it has to offer the world,” Cole said.

“Unfortunately, as was the case with CBD, manufacturers are only creating isolated versions of CBG. The difficulty of extracting this compound into a naturally occurring and beneficial full-spectrum form for the human ECS (endocannabinoid system) is so challenging that no one has been able to achieve this. Until us. The very little CBG on the market comes mostly in isolates or ‘blends,’ and touts the products as full-spectrum.

A clear mind makes for a bright life

If you’re going to take anything away from this post, let it be the fact that CBG provides mental clarity. When your mind is racing or running on a bad mental loop, it is literally impossible to focus on whatever you need to focus on. Be it your kids, your job, or something else, having a clear mind is the surest way to get the most out of your days. And in turn, your life.

Treat your mind right. The supply is (actually) limited, so test the product out and please give us your feedback. Our customers are the reason we fight so hard to create products we are insanely proud of, based always on the purest, safest, and most effective version we can create.

“No one has been able to create what we have,” Cole said of the CBG product. “Other companies have only been able to isolate CBG, which isn’t good.

We have created the first CBG product, beating the world record of creating a CBG genetic with the highest profile at 18%, yielding a very high CBG percentage in our harvest. Plus, it is grown in our powerful probiotic methodology and department of AG-approved soil and fermented tea. This method is above organic.”

Cole started this company with one thought in mind — to share the incredible cannabis plant with the many people who are in need of good health, fitness recovery, and maintaining balance within their bodies and minds.

As he continues to create a pathway for the plant that allows us to live a healthier and more productive lifestyle, it is the goal of everyone at Zakah Life to educate you on the facts. Not talk about what’s trending.

Thank you for reading and continuing to believe in us.